Growth Groups
January 10, 2021

Winter signups are now open!
The Adult Education Committee is pleased to announce the Winter Growth Group Session. Take a look – there is something for everyone! Enrollment will take place on a first-come, first-served basis.
Growth Groups bring people together based on similar needs, stages in life, or other common interests to grow spiritually and develop a support network based on their faith. We believe these intimate environments provide the best place to grow spiritually and develop deep, meaningful Christian friendships. They’re a place you can learn, ask questions, pray, socialize and meet Jesus together. Growth Groups are open to everyone including those who are not members of DPC.
Signups are open now. All groups will meet on Zoom this season.
For a full description of the groups click Here
When you’ve found the right group for you, click Here to register.
*Please note: the Love is the Way group hosted by John and Lori Willingham has reached its registration limit. We invite you to explore one of the other groups available this season. Thank you.
For more information or if you have questions, please contact the church office at 215-348-3531 or