Congregational Meeting – June 13

The Session has called for a congregational meeting to take place virtually on June 13 beginning at 10:30 am. The agenda includes:

  • Election of corporate officers for 2021-22
  • Update from the 109/112 Mechanics Street Task Force on its work
  • Election of the 2021-22 Nominating Committee
  • Expressing its appreciation to those whose service to the Board of Deacons, Nominating Committee and Session concluded on May 31
  • Enjoying a video summarizing the 2020-21 program year.

Full Agenda

To join us for the meeting, please stay after worship in the Sanctuary or log-in via Zoom. Direct link: Meeting ID: 870 2921 2993 Passcode: 993274

We hope you can join us for this special gathering as we celebrate the many ways God has blessed this body of faith during the past year.