Changes Coming to Sunday Worship Services
June 2, 2021

DPC is excited to let you know of some changes to our current practices as state and local restrictions continue to ease.
These decisions were made by DPC’s Re-Opening Task Force, which has been monitoring case numbers and vaccination rates closely throughout the pandemic.
Starting on Sunday, June 6:
- You may sit wherever and with whom you want in the Sanctuary pews
- Bulletins will be distributed by our ushers when you enter the Sanctuary
- We will be adding a second hymn to the service
We are still:
- Requiring masks while inside our facilities (for worship, meetings, visiting, etc…)
- Providing offering boxes/plates at the entrance/exit for you to use
The Re-Opening Task Force continues to track the situation and will make additional recommendations as conditions evolve in the weeks to come. Stay tuned for updates.
We thank you for your faithful patience and support. Whether you choose to worship with us in-person or online we celebrate this next step in our return!